From: | Chaim Saiman <> |
To: | Jones, Michael <> | | |
Date: | 02/11/2009 14:47:42 UTC |
Subject: | RE: outlandish torts |
From what I recall, this is more or less the thesis of Robert
Kagan’s book, Adversarial Legalism,. Kagan argues that while Americans
don’t like bureaucratic governance they actually do want regulation. This
is achieved by having “adversarial legalism” do the work that state-sponsored
regulation and insurance in other advanced democracies. Hence contingency
fees, pretrial discovery, class actions, winner pays his legal fees, and various
forms of non-economic compensation, and the other distinguishing features of US
tort law. I don’t recall if Kagan makes this point, but much the same would
seem to hold true regarding medical expenses, which are (less) socialized in
the US.
Chaim Saiman
Associate Professor
Villanova Law School
From: Jones, Michael
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 7:10 AM
To: 'Jakob Heidbrink'; Chaim Saiman;
Subject: RE: outlandish torts
Non-pecuniary damages in the UK can be significantly higher than
$15,000 – in excess of £250,000 in the very worst personal injury cases,
though the vast bulk of damages awarded in this type of case would be for
pecuniary loss.
I understood that high awards of non-pecuniary damages by juries
in the US were “intended” to cover the lawyers’ contingency
fees (ranging from 30% to 50% of the total award) and that jury awards are
often reduced on appeal.
The other point that I’ve seen made in connection with
high levels of litigation in the US is that there is little in the way of
social security provision and/or medical care for those with disabilities
resulting from accidents, and the tort system is used to fill that gap (and the
pockets of lawyers, of course!). Individualism and self-reliance has its
price. I would be interested to hear from American colleagues about
whether there is any empirical data to support either theory.
On the question of outlandish claims (though not a tort) there
was a claim for constructive dismissal in the UK by a teacher who said that her
squeaking chair in the classroom had forced her to resign her job. She
alleged that the children in the class poked fun at her whenever she sat on
this chair (think “whoopee cushion”) and that the school had
discriminated against her because they refused to replace or repair the chair
(though another colleague had been given a new chair). You may be
relieved to hear that the claim was dismissed by an employment tribunal.
What happened to the chair is not known ...
Michael A. Jones
Professor of Common Law
Liverpool Law School
Chatham Street
L69 7ZS
Phone: 0151 794 2821
Fax: 0151 794 2829
From: Jakob Heidbrink
Sent: 31 October 2009 17:14
Subject: Sv: outlandish torts
I would agree with
M?rten. This case - in particular the size of the award - would appear to most
Scandinavians as "typical" American. Apart from the size of the award
- anything above $15,000 in non-compensatory damages will tend to raise the odd
eyebrow in Sweden -, the other factor is that the fact of the contestant's
voluntary participation in what appears to be a pretty daft contest apparently
(or, far more correctly, in the media reporting) not being an issue. To many
people's mind, the "typical" American award involves a lot of money
being paid for non-economic loss, in particular in situations where the loss
itself was induced at least by contributory negligence on the part of the
issued party, if not entirely on the part of the injured party. This also
appears to me to be the defining factor of the hoaxes roaming the Internet and
popular mythology.
Thanks to all who helped me with my question, by the way.
Best wishes to you all,
M.Jur. (Oxon), LL.D.
Assistant Professor in Law
Jönköping International Business School
Box 1026
S-551 11 Jönköping
Tel.: +46 36 10 1871
>>> Chaim Saiman 09-10-30 20:43 >>>
I have been following the emails of the past few days with some
interest, and note that most of the examples (real and otherwise) are taken
from the American context. Moreover, as one poster suggested, some of these
hoaxes may be part of a concerted effort by activists on the American scene to
paint a cartoonish picture of the American tort system in order to spur on
political efforts at tort reform (limitation)
My question to this largely non-American audience is whether,
from an international perspective, these sort s of suits are seen as uniquely
(or typically) American, and if so, is it only on account of the jury, or are
there other factors at work.
Would be interested in your thoughts.
Chaim Saiman
Associate Professor
Villanova Law School